Friday 18 May 2007

Worst. Tattoo. Ever.

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Sunday 1 April 2007

Introducing the Larry Holmes GrillMaster XL!

You thought George Foreman could grill? Think again!

Incredible pre-launch Space Shuttle pictures

I love the way all the NASA engineers wear looks like they've just popped in on the weekend to make sure everything's going ok...

Thursday 29 March 2007

Should you upgrade to Vista?

Many apologies for the .pdf - if you don't have it, try the HTML version (bit low-res though):

Irregular updates

Hi all (all 3 of you, that is)...I know my posts are a bit erratic, so why not subscribe to this blog? That way you won't have to check when I post something new - because you'll be notified! There's an Atom feed link at the bottom, and as soon as I work out how to add an RSS button, I'll let you know.


RIAA decision matrix

Now *this* is funny - if you've been following the machinations of the US copyright farce, that is...